Monday, 25 October 2010

Welcome to Blog Life! by Hitmakersbridge

Whats Going Down World!!! (HMB) is now live! up and running and here for the up and coming talented producers and artists of the world.

I'm gonna keep you posted as to whats new and happening with HMB, keeping you up-to-date on all the latest in news, placement opps and basically anything that you guys wanna hear about.

Yes we are based in the UK but that don't stop us, never!!!!!!
We are reaching out and calling all producer and artists to get involved with HMB and see what we can do for you.

We provide major placement opps, competitions, basically we are the BRIDGE and we wanna help you.

So don't be a stranger on the WWW get in touch if you want to know more or if you have any questions, JUS HOLLA TA ME!!!!

In the words the Cali Governor - "I'LL BE BACK" but not with a car crashing through your front living room. LOL!!


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